Aaron Aasen 

Email: AaronA@rfpco.com

I was born in Coquille, Oregon in 1978 and graduated  from  Myrtle Point High School in 1996. In 2002,I graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. in Forest Management,upon which I worked for BLM,Plum Creek Timberland’s, Menasha Corporation and Hampton Tree Farms before being hired as a Forester for Roseburg Resources in the fall of 2008. I'm currently the District Forester for the Dillard District,overseeing all the silvicultural activities on these properties.

 I have a wife of 15 years, Anna, and two beautiful daughters, Avery Drew (13) and Arlie Max (11). We live outside of Roseburg on a small little farm at the end of Big Bend road on the Umpqua River.