Heather Bartlett
Email: heather.bartlett@cowcreek.com
Heather Bartlett has worked for the Cow Creek Umpqua Tribe since October 2011 as the Environmental Specialist. Job tasks include grant writing, collecting water quality data, writing reports, monitoring projects for in stream restoration, invasive species control, GIS mapping, wetland delineations, and assisting with fisheries and wildlife work. She obtained her Bachelors of Science Degree in 2010 from Oregon State University in Fisheries Wildlife where she focused on wildlife management and conservation. Prior to working for the Tribe, she worked for the Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers as their monitoring technician from July 2010 to October 2011 doing fish surveys, water quality monitoring, fish barrier assessments, grant writing and GIS map making. During college, Heather had seasonal jobs with the Oregon Department of Forestry, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Oregon State University doing juvenile Coho snorkel surveys, Chinook spawning surveys, fish habitat assessments, juvenile Chinook PIT tagging, forest vegetation surveys and macro-invertebrate sampling. Full time work experience in natural resources totals 5 years, and part time work experience totals 3 years.